Unakite -
Mineral Profile

Attributes: Unakite is an altered granite found in metamorphic, metasomatic and hydrothermal rocks.
Grades: If the crystals are high enough quality, unakite may be considered a semiprecious gem and cut for jewellery.
Colours: Pink (Feldspar) , Green (Epidote) , white (Quartz) - Composed irregularly of green epidote, pink feldspar and white quartz.
Luster: Vitreous, Greasy
Rarity: Common, rare when the crystals included are intact and have translucency.
Country of Origin: USA, South Africa, Brazil, China, Sierra Leone
Typically, this stone forms where there are two convergent plate boundaries.
Hardness: 6-7
Chemical Composition: Pink orthoclase feldspar; epidote + quartz (Si02) Silicate - undefined formations. Calcium, aluminium and iron silicate, Ca2 (Al, Fe)3Si3O12 (OH)
Crystal system: monoclinic
History: Unakite is named after the unaka range in North Carolina where the rock was first discovered.
Health Information: some epidote varieties contain lead and radioactive elements. it's best to exercise caution when handling rough unakite.
Intended healing: chakra - base; heart
heal sexual imbalance; The abundance stone - Lust, Desire, Balance, Optimism, Sleep Pattern.